Petroleum Resistivity Curve of Shaly Sands Mystery
Why are Petroleum Engineers fascinated about the Mysterious Resistivity Curves in Shaly Sand Hydrocarbon?
To begin with, Myself Sattam Chakraborty, had a Research Paper published on Clay Separation technique of Lonar Crater Nuclear Waste, back two years ago.
But I never knew I could think of my published paper as an answer to mystery of Shaly Sand.
(Reaseach Paper link:
What is Shaly Sand?
Firstly, let me explain with this concept of Shaly Sand from Malcom Rider Well Logging Book Clay Diagram.
Mostly, oil zone have high resistivities with formation fluids. But Clays, are conductive. Thus, the Resistivities in Shaly Sands may be quite low.
Thus, to solve this resistivity mystery, distribution of Shale in Formation is needed.
Solution: Clay Mineral Area
Area of Clay Mineral Plays an important role. Clay Minera in inside in non-conductive, outside layer is conductive.
So, knowing the Area of Clay Minerals are most effective to know the Conductive of Clay and hence, Shale.
My Published Research Paper Answer to the Mystery two years back.
The Final Answer
These the above two diagrams can quatify the Clay Area and volume, hence answering to Clay to Shale value.
Thus, this can answer to Shaly Sands mystery of Resistivity Curves.
Resistivity Curve Anomaly Solution
So, in my old research I did X-Ray Diffraction Analysis. The X-Ray diffraction shows the Clay Minerals with range from 25-30 degree Theta.
Montmorillonite being the largest Clay can be taken as an example. Our reaseach in Lonar Crater made us to discover the Glass rock weathered to Clays. These clays can be quantified.
When the Clay area is demarcarted, it gives the outer area of Clay which is conductive because of its Silicate layer, and inner non-conductive.
So, knowing this Area of Clay, Shale quantification can easily be done and the answer can be resolved to Low Resitivity of Oil Zone in Shaly Sands.
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